Women’s/Men’s Pelvic Health

Women’s and Men’s Pelvic health physio is the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction and disorders including incontinence, prolapse and treatment for pain or pelvic floor symptoms including during and after pregnancy.

If you answer yes to any of these questions below, you should book an appointment with our Pelvic Health physiotherapists.

Did you have a birthing injury or feel like you have never quite recovered fully since childbirth?

Do you suffer with involuntary bladder or bowel leakage with no control or with impact activities?

Do you have a heaviness feeling in your pelvic region with weight bearing?

Common conditions we treat:

Birthing Injuries  – ACC funding may apply for any tears, prolapses, fractures or nerve damage sustained through the birthing process on or after 1st October 2022.

Stress incontinence – the loss of small amounts of urine with effort or physical activity (e.g coughing or jumping).

Urge incontinence – a sudden, uncontrollable urge to pass urine which can lead to involuntary loss of urine before you make it to the toilet.

Pelvic organ prolapse – a prolapse occurs when the organs drop from their usual position due to a stretch or weakening of the supportive structures. Often a dragging or heaviness can be felt.

Pre- and post-natal – pregnancy and childbirth can increase stress and strain on your back, pelvis, and pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. Pelvic girdle pain, abdominal muscle separation or pelvic floor muscle dysfunction are common conditions during this time.

Post-surgeryprostate surgery and hysterectomy are common surgeries that have an impact on the pelvic floor and/or abdominals

Abdominal Separation – Rectus Diastisis can occur during pregnancy where the abdominal muscles separate due to anterior stretching and overuse. We can help educate on management and correction strategies following assessment.

Sexual Pain – correcting causes of pelvic pain or dysfunction during or after intercourse.

Anorectal Dysfunction – correcting pelvic floor dysfunction that leads to difficulty with bowel motions.

Physiotherapy Treatment

  • Improving control of your bladder for both stress and urge incontinence.
  • Pelvic floor muscle strengthening
  • Pessary fittings and education to support your internal Pelvic Organs
  • Education and advice to manage and improve presenting symptoms and guide towards returning to your goals
  • Bladder retraining
  • Bowel retraining
  • Advice on lifestyle changes
  • Manual therapy and massage during pregnancy
  • Pre and post natal pilates
  • Core stabilisation re-training

Frequently asked questions:

Our Promise To You

We get to the source of your symptoms

and treat the cause through a multidisciplinary approach. This prevents reoccurences and provides long term prevention, rather than just treating the symptoms alone

Long opening hours.

We realise everyone has busy schedules and we don’t want this to get in the way of getting yourself fit, healthy and injury free, so we open 6 days a week outside of business hours.

100% satisfaction guarantee.

At Physio Mechanics, we stand by our service and expertise of all our staff. We believe that after your first assessment and treatment, you will truly be satisfied with your experience, if not it will be free of charge.

You are individual, we recognize this

and tailor a treatment plan specific to you. Everyone has different injuries, symptoms and goals, therefore we provide individualised treatment.

Book an appointment today
and experience first hand why
we are so different from any
other physiotherapy clinic.