Neck Injuries

The neck is constantly under stress supporting our heads. Collisions, bad posture and even an uncomfortable night’s sleep can cause serious ongoing discomfort.

The Neck

The neck is constantly under stress supporting our heads. Collisions, bad posture and even an uncomfortable night’s sleep can cause serious ongoing discomfort.

The cervical spine is made up of 7 vertebrae. The base of the skull rests on the C1 vertebrae, and it extends to C7 which is the prominent bone at the back of your lower neck. Between each bony vertebrae is a cervical disc which acts as a shock absorption cushion. A complex series of muscles overly these joints connecting the neck to the skull, shoulder and mid back.

With an acute injury, for example a whiplash, sudden jarring or external force, or from repetitive strain or overuse, any of these structures can be damaged, starting a cascade of events. This can result in pain, loss of range of motion, muscle spasm, joint stiffness, weakness or pins and needles, overall limiting your ability to function with normal activities of daily living.

How Physio mechanics can help

If left untreated minor neck injuries can cause long term complications. Physio mechanics can help. On your first visit we will perform a thorough initial assessment allowing us to confirm your diagnosis and answer any questions you have. From there we will devise an individualised short term treatment plan to relieve your current symptoms, and a long term plan to prevent future reoccurrences.

Common neck physio treatments include massage, trigger point release, cervical/thoracic joint mobilisations, postural education, K taping, and stretching and strengthening exercises. If you are suffering from any neck aches or pains ring today and arrange an appointment with one of our expert staff.

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