Wrist Injuries

The wrist is a complex area as in the space of a few centimeters, there are radius and ulna forearm bones, 2 rows of 4 carpal bones and then radiating into 5 metacarpal bones – thats 15 bones!

The Wrist

The wrist is a complex area as in the space of a few centimeters, there are radius and ulna forearm bones, 2 rows of 4 carpal bones and then radiating into 5 metacarpal bones – thats 15 bones! Then think about the joints connecting them, the ligaments spanning across these joints, the cartilage pads between them, and the overlying tendons…..

Disruption to any of these complexes, even millimeters of positional fault, whether by external force or repetitive overuse, will lead to frustration with even the easiest of daily tasks – try pushing yourself up from a chair, opening a door handle or pouring your milk into your coffee with a sore wrist – you will quickly be calling Physio Mechanics!

How Physio Mechanics can help

If left untreated minor wrist injuries can quickly become chronic. Physio Mechanics can help. On your first visit we will perform a thorough initial assessment allowing us to confirm your diagnosis and answer any questions you have. From there we will devise an individualised short term treatment plan to relieve your current symptoms, and a long term plan to prevent future re-occurrences.

Common wrist physio treatments include massage, joint mobilisations, neural mobilisation techniques, and stretching and strengthening exercises. If you are suffering from any wrist aches or pains, ring today and arrange an appointment with one of our expert staff

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